Each challenge we face in life can be a dark teacher.

Cheryl Strayed calls difficult experiences “dark teachers.” When I first heard this term, it instantly struck a chord with me. I look at my most painful life experiences and I would never wish them upon myself. I wouldn’t choose those challenges. And, given the nature of life, they showed up anyway. Knowing the inevitability of struggle in life, I can also acknowledge what I learned from each experience, and what I know now about myself and what is important to me.

I was able to get to the point of learning and growing from my dark teacher experiences because of people who cared about me.

My hope is to be the kind of support and guide for you that allows your challenges to unfold into meaningful change.

I believe all humans have a drive towards connection, pleasure, and wisdom. Sometimes, it’s hard to see the barriers that stand in the way of you getting there. I’m here to help you see yourself from a different perspective and try out some new strategies that may serve you better than what you know how to do right now.

Think about therapy like going to a big buffet dinner. At the buffet, there are many dishes you can put on your plate! It’s up to you which ones you want to get a second helping of, which ones you like but need to adjust - like a little more seasoning, and which ones don’t suit your taste at all.

In therapy, I like to offer up a lot of different “dishes” to you. Therapy is us going up to the buffet together and trying things to see what works. We’re combining my training and knowledge with your inner wisdom of what is right for you.

BTW, I love this instagram post by Stephanie Foo which sums up so much of what I think is important in a therapist:

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